
Drop ins & other services for asylum seekers

To view Public Health Information about Covid-19 – translated into 51 languages: see
Also see Migration Yorkshire’s Migrant Info Hub for other useful resources
For help with food and other services: Call your local council to request a free food package delivered. Or contact one of the organisations (according to where you live) listed below for help:

North London:

Brent Council: and 0208 937 1234
Brent Hubs have a range of local organisations and Brent services that provide information, advice and support for housing, benefits, Council Tax, employment, digital support and much more.
Barnet Council:
New Citizen’s Gateway offer advice, information, English classes, counselling and can signpost clients to food banks in the area.

West London:

Salma Food: 07767164246 or see

West London Equality Centre
07944 643899
West London Equality Centre (WLEC), formerly Ealing Equality Council, is a charity active in the promotion and advancement of equality and human rights for all members of our community. We provide free legal advice and advocacy in both generalist and specialist areas in conjunction with the Community Advice Programme (CAP) and retain the pro-bono services of both solicitors and qualified barristers in providing legal advice.

East London: (Offer a food bank in Manor Park every Tuesday & Friday from 10am-2pm)
South London:
South London Refugee Association: 07743466894 or
Brixton Soup Kitchen: open to the public on weekdays between 10am to 2pm on Mondays to Fridays (297-299 Coldhabour Lane, SW9 8RP).
Get in touch
• Visit Brixton Soup Kitchen, Brixton Dominoes Community Centre, 297-299 Coldharbour Lane, SW9 8RP.
• Call 07538 419 514
• Email
• Follow @BrixSoupKitchen

Norwood and Brixton Foodbank: 020 8670 0070 for foodbank vouchers. Or try this: 0808 2082138
Telephone 020 8670 0070