NNLS Destitute Asylum Seekers Drop in
The Drop in supports destitute asylum seekers and their children. Our volunteers offer legal signposting, appointments with doctors, nutritious cooked food and a welcoming, warm and friendly space. Every client also receives a supermarket voucher and travel expenses.
We set up the Drop in because we became aware of the desperate needs of destitute asylum seekers, many of whom go hungry and survive predominantly on the kindness of friends.
A large number of our clients are survivors of torture and/or rape and fear for their lives if they are returned home.
The project launched in March 2006 with just one asylum seeker attending – today we welcome people from more than 60 different countries from across London, and the project is run almost entirely by volunteers.
The Drop in is a registered charity no. 1177599
For details of next Drop in, please click here.
For information for asylum seekers, please click here
For more information about who we are and how we are run, click here.
To find out how to support the Drop in, please click here.
To make a donation to the Drop in, please click here.
To volunteer please email us at: nnlsdropinvolunteer@gmail.com or find out more information here
All photographs courtesy of Sam Pearce www.square-image.co.uk